The Best Camera Settings for E-Commerce Photography: A Complete Guide for Online Retailers


Learn how to take stunning photos for your online store with our expert tips on the best camera settings for e-commerce photography.



When it comes to selling products online, the quality of your product images can make or break your sales. In the digital age, customers often rely on photos to make informed purchasing decisions, which is why it’s essential to invest in professional-quality e-commerce photography. But, taking great photos is only half the battle. Knowing the right camera settings to use is equally important. In this article, we’ll walk you through the best camera settings for e-commerce photography to help you take stunning photos that sell your products.


The Importance of Professional-Quality Photos for E-Commerce

High-quality product photos can help increase customer trust, credibility, and engagement with your brand. In addition, professional-quality photos can also help your products stand out in crowded online marketplaces, where competition is fierce. A well-lit, well-composed photo can make all the difference in attracting a potential customer’s attention and increasing the chances of making a sale.


Essential Camera Settings for E-Commerce Photography

  1. ISO

    The ISO setting determines the camera’s sensitivity to light. For e-commerce photography, it’s best to use a low ISO setting, such as 100 or 200, to avoid grainy or noisy images.

  2. Aperture

    The aperture setting controls the depth of field in your photos, or how much of the image is in focus. For e-commerce photography, it’s best to use a small aperture, such as f/8 or f/11, to ensure that the entire product is in focus.

  3. Shutter Speed

    The shutter speed setting determines how long the camera’s shutter stays open, and thus, how much light is allowed into the camera. For e-commerce photography, it’s best to use a faster shutter speed, such as 1/200th of a second, to prevent blur and ensure sharp images.

  4. White Balance

    The white balance setting controls the colour temperature of your photos and helps to ensure that your product colours are accurate and consistent. For e-commerce photography, it’s best to use a white balance setting of either “daylight” or “cloudy” to capture accurate and consistent colour.

  5. Lighting

    Good lighting is essential for e-commerce photography. Natural light is often the best option, but you can also use studio lights to achieve consistent, professional-quality lighting.


Tips for Better E-Commerce Photography
  1. Use a Tripod: A tripod can help to stabilize your camera, prevent blur, and ensure sharp, professional-quality images.
  2. Take Multiple Shots: Take multiple shots of the same product from different angles and in different lighting conditions to give customers a comprehensive view of the product.
  3. Edit Your Photos: Use editing software, such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop, to enhance your photos and make them look their best.


Frequently Asked Questions About E-Commerce Photography
  1. What camera is best for e-commerce photography?
    Any camera that allows you to manually adjust ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and white balance will work for e-commerce photography. A digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera is often the best option for professional-quality e-commerce photography.
  2. Can I use my smartphone for e-commerce photography?
    Yes, you can use your smartphone for e-commerce photography, but the results may not be as high-quality as those achieved with a DSLR camera. To get the best results with your smartphone, use a tripod, natural light, and editing software to enhance your photos.
  3. Do I need to hire a professional photographer for e-commerce photography?
    While professional photographers can certainly produce high-quality e-commerce photography, it’s not necessary to hire a professional photographer for every product. With the right camera settings, equipment, and techniques, you can achieve professional-quality photos on your own.


The Best Camera Settings for E-Commerce Photography: A Complete Guide for Online Retailers


The links provided offer a selection of books about Product Photography for E-Commerce.


The Best Camera Settings for E-Commerce Photography: A Complete Guide for Online Retailers



E-commerce photography is an important part of selling products online, and it’s essential to invest in professional-quality photos to increase sales and build customer trust. By using the best camera settings for e-commerce photography, you can take stunning photos that sell your products. Whether you’re using a smartphone or a DSLR camera, following the tips and techniques outlined in this article will help you achieve professional-quality e-commerce photography.