10 Props to Enhance Your Product Photography: A Guide to Better Presentation


Want to level up your product photography game? Check out these 10 props that can help you enhance your product photography and make your products stand out.


Introduction: Product photography is an essential aspect of any business that sells physical products. Good product photography can make or break a sale. It’s the first thing potential customers see and is crucial in creating a positive first impression. While good lighting, composition and editing are important, incorporating props into your product photography can take it to the next level. In this article, we’ll take a look at 10 props that can enhance your product photography and make your products stand out.


  1. Backgrounds

One of the most important aspects of product photography is the background. A simple, neutral background can make your product stand out and look more professional. You can use a plain coloured background, like white or black, or opt for a more interesting textured background, like wood or concrete.


  1. Plants

Adding plants to your product photography can add life and a touch of nature to your images. Whether you use real or artificial plants, they can bring a sense of freshness and calmness to your photos. Use plants that complement the product and don’t overpower it.


  1. Textiles

Textiles, like cloth, fabric or paper, can be used to add texture and interest to your product photography. You can use textiles as a background or to wrap your product in, giving it a more organic and natural look.


  1. Objects that Complement the Product

Using objects that complement the product can help to showcase its uses and functions. For example, if you’re selling a coffee mug, you could use a bag of coffee beans or a coffee machine to show how it can be used.


  1. Mannequins or Models

Using a mannequin or model in your product photography can add a human element to your photos. It can help to show the scale and size of your product and give potential customers a better idea of how it will look when in use.


  1. Tools and Equipment

If your product is related to a specific tool or piece of equipment, incorporating it into your product photography can help to showcase its functions and uses.


  1. Natural Elements

Natural elements, like rocks, shells, or leaves, can be used to add interest and texture to your product photography. Use them in moderation so as not to overpower the product.


  1. Food and Drink

If your product is related to food or drink, incorporating it into your product photography can add a touch of appetite appeal. Use food or drink that complements the product, and make sure it looks appetizing.


  1. Other Products

Using other products in your product photography can help to showcase how they can be used together. For example, if you’re selling a notebook, you could use a pen or pencil to show how they can be used together.


  1. Shadows and Reflections

Shadows and reflections can add depth and interest to your product photography. You can use shadows to create contrast and draw attention to specific parts of the product. Reflections can help to showcase the product’s shape and texture.


10 Props to Enhance Your Product Photography: A Guide to Better Presentation



Q: What type of props should I use in my product photography?

A: The type of props you should use will depend on the product you’re selling. The props should complement the product and not overpower it. You can use backgrounds, plants, textiles, objects that complement the product, mannequins or models, tools and equipment, natural elements, food and drink, other products, and shadows and reflections.


Q: How many props should I use in my product photography?

A: The number of props you should use will depend on the product and the look you’re trying to achieve. It’s important to not overuse props and to make sure they complement the product and don’t overpower it. A few well-placed props can have a big impact on the final image.


Q: Can I use real or artificial plants in my product photography?

A: Both real and artificial plants can be used in product photography. Real plants can add a touch of nature and a sense of freshness to your images, while artificial plants can be a more practical option if you don’t have access to live plants.


10 Props to Enhance Your Product Photography: A Guide to Better Presentation


The links provided offer a selection of books about product photography.



Using props in your product photography can help to enhance the final image and make your product stand out. From backgrounds to natural elements, and mannequins to shadows and reflections, there are many ways to incorporate props into your product photography. The key is to choose props that complement the product and not overpower it. By following these tips and using the 10 props outlined in this article, you’ll be on your way to creating better product photography that showcases your products in the best light.

